One of the most common hair questions, whether among those with curly or straight hair, is about the correct way to wash them. This is because many washes can cause the dreaded rebound effect, while washes of less can leave the hair dirty and damage the scalp.
To have silky, healthy hair, washing is the first step to success. Clean hair is well cared for, but finding the balance of weekly sanitations can be a bit tricky. To know the right way to wash your hair – and if you’re doing this step correctly – you first need to pay attention to the signs that the strands themselves give.
How to wash your hair properly?
Wash your hair it’s not just rubbing and rinsing. The product used (usually the shampoo) has two points of action: the detergent, and the moisturizer. The first step is when the cleaning agents in the formula will act on the scalp, removing oil, impurities and sweat.
The second step is when the foam surrounds the hair to give it the properties present in its formula: if we are talking about a shampoo with a nourishing formula for example, this is when the hair absorbs the nutrients present in it.
A very important rule to ensure the correct cleaning of the threads is the temperature of the water: it must always be from warm to cold. This is because hot water in the scalp stimulates the production of more oil, so by washing your hair with hot water, you are already producing more dirt.
If you are adept at using conditioner, it can also be a villain when it comes to washing your hair. This is because it should only be used on the length of the hair, as it clogs the pores of the scalp and prevents it from breathing.
How do you know if your hair is clean?
Universally, the correct average time between one wash and another is around every three days. However, no hair is the same, and knowing the right time to wash it is directly linked to the signs that the strands show.
Note the oiliness: oily root and dry ends are signs that it’s time to wash your hair. Excessive oiliness can be linked to several problems, and the most common is not washing the hair correctly.
Observe the brightnessA shiny hair means that the cuticles are flat and therefore better reflecting the light. Therefore, lifeless and dull hair can mean that the time to wash has come.
Bunches without definitionThe curls without definition and with a lot of volume can be a sign that it’s time to wash your hair. This happens because the accumulation of oil at the root and length makes the hair heavier, causing it to lose definition.
After intense physical activity and a lot of sweatingAnyone who does any kind of intense physical exercise should wash their hair immediately after the activity. Composed by sweat and fat, the perspiration of the scalp can deregulate the pH of the region and clog the pores, causing dryness. This leads to flaking, dandruff and even the appearance of irritation and dermatitis.
Now that you can identify when wash one’s hair and know how to do it properly, take the opportunity to try SOS Pump Original Shampoo, which will give your hair that strength to grow strong and healthy – and of course, always leave them clean.