He came with everything to mess up the traditional and fell in love with the ladies! The chanel beak cut, which has a straight base at the back and more elongated tips, is an option for those who want to modernize the look. The variation of the classic cut, which was immortalized in the 1920s, by stylist Coco Chanel, is the darling of fashionistas.
Short-cut chanel cut
Choice is the pinnacle of sophistication and elegance! The cut leaves the nape exposed and goes down to the base of the face creating a frame for the face.
Long nozzle chanel cut
For those who do not give up on keeping the strands longer, there is the option of creating a gap without taking much of the length at the front. So you get a modern cut, but keep your hair long.
Chanel beak with fringe
If you are from team fringe, see how it works well with the cut chanel nozzle! Be the baby bang or the traditional fringe, the composition is always a hit.
Chanel hair: check out 15 modern and current options
Flat nozzle chanel cut
If your strands are straight, the beak cut will fall like a glove for them. You will always be ready and tidy for any appointment. Invest without fear!
Short straight hair: see the cuts that are on the rise
Chanel cut with curly beak
Those with tangled wires can bet on cutting as a way to make the look even more modern and full of versatility. A good finishing ointment to define the curls and you will have an incredible cut!
Peaked hair: 30 ideas for you to bet on a modern cut
Like the idea? Then see some famous people who have already adopted the chanel cut with a beak. You will notice that it is in long, short, straight, curly hair, it works very well. Who knows, this may not be the push you needed to be even more inspired to adopt the spout chanel too?
See too:
Short wavy hair: See how to care and cut tips
Medium haircut: 40 looks that squander style and personality
Long bob: see all about fashionistas’ favorite haircut
Brazilian journalist, specialized in producing entertainment content for the digital market. He was a reporter for Jornal do Brasil where he signed a fashion and beauty column in Barra, worked for 5 years in entertainment at TV Globo.